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radical cell造句

"radical cell"是什么意思  
  • Danny is told that they may be collaborating with other radical cells to plan a national revolt on May Day.
  • But, today, the church is less a radical cell committed to winning the world in love than a self-appointed arbiter of the mores of the culture as it is.
  • Azzouz also had alleged ties to an alleged radical cell, known as the " Hofstad " network, believed to be behind the slaying of Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh on Nov . 2.
  • The polyphenols in tea possess 25 to 100 times the antioxidant potency of vitamins C and E . Antioxidants impair the ability of free radical cells to harm the molecules that make up our bodies.
  • Radical cells in Montreal have been vaguely linked by US investigators to bin Laden, who also is accused in the 1998 bombing of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, in which more than 200 people were killed.
  • "Radical cells still exist across Europe, and I am convinced there will be an attack, though I don't know whether it will be big or small, " a senior European government official said in an interview on Wednesday.
  • Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the military brass see Gaza as the next front in the Israeli drive to smash " terrorist infrastructure, " the radical cells and the weapons factories of the two-year-old Palestinian intifadah, or uprising.
  • It's difficult to see radical cell in a sentence. 用radical cell造句挺难的
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